First Name*
What is your intention for this call with me?
What is the biggest challenge you are having in life/relationships/your business right now?
Why do you feel you have your current results/lack of results?
Why do you feel you are ready and willing to take fast and aligned action right now?
How willing are you to invest in yourself? Please select an option below.
Yes, I am willing to take fast and aligned action and to invest financially in myself
If I see this is valuable to me, I am willing to invest
No, I am not willing to invest in myself
If I could provide you with a solution to overcome your challenges so that you can transform your life, heal your relationships and step into the greatest version of yourself, what type of resources do you currently have to invest in a solution? (Note: this will determine how I approach what solution I can recommend). Please select an option below.
I'm in a tough spot at the moment and I don't have the resources
Between $0 to $500
Between $500 to $2k
Between $2k to $5k
Between $5k to $10k
The next step is to schedule a 15 minute Connection Call with myself. By typing the word "YES" below you are agreeing to show up at the time you select for your call.