How Journal Writing Changed My Life

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2019

Journaling writing was something I resisted for a long time – I just didn’t see the value. Then one day I just started and since then it has been an incredible journey of pouring out a lot of thoughts, feelings and emotions and also tapping into some invisible forces which I didn’t know existed. I soon realised that anyone can do this – it just took practice, some consistency and intention. Journal writing helped me deal with my depression, anxiety, confused repetitive thought patterns that did not help me in life. My journal is my daily companion – it has given me inspiration, allowed me to see my limiting thoughts, it has got me through seriously high anxious states and brought me back to a sense of calm and peace. Once I moved through depression, it helped me to lift my vibe to super high states, so I could start to manifest, dream big and create a high vibe life.


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